words and photos by Sharon Bader and Lee Lau unless otherwise noted.
Day 3 gets us up at the crack of 7:30. We decided to head back to Vantage since the snow was pretty good and the conditions bomber for some other options.
The system was starting to come in.
photo by Gavan Hennigan
Back on top of Vantage Ridge.
We head up the ridge further towards Vantage peak and hit the slopes back to the basin in this larger bowl.
Tyler Hucking!
Lee heading down.
Yup, its a big area!
Looking back up, lots of options here!
Skinning back up Vantage Ridge.
A nice little couloir off Vantage Ridge. Snow boarded slope testing.
Snowboard slope testing – Photo By Tyler Wilkes
Sharon in the Couloir.
Lee rippin’
photo by Tyler Wilkes.
Google Earth Image of our three days.
Elevation profile of Day 3.
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