Our friend Bryce finally got his split board in! We head up to Diamond Head, a great place for a first day on the board shake down. The road up was pretty good until the last three km’s or so where it got icy and those without winter tires or 4wheel drive had an extra bit of climbing to do!

Hey Bryce, are you forgetting something? DOH! My Poles! Fortunately I had an extra pair in the car.

Part way up at the obligatory view point. Bryce isn’t sweating yet! Still smiling! Tyler is feeling pretty good no longer being the touring newbie!

We continue up, the snow is looking pretty good!

We get to the first knoll on Round Mountain and Tyler gives Bryce the low down on efficient Split Board transitions.

Then he heads down to the cliffy treed bit.

Couldn’t make it past the trees so down this chute he goes!

Bryce on his first ever run on the Voile Board. Not too bad!

Here I am making my way down.

Down some more!

Then we head back to another part of the ridge that involved having to go down a small slope.

Always a bit of a learning curve to tele downhill with skins on when you are a snowboarder!
Makes for good pics though!

Getting ready for the last run.

Snow is pretty good over here!

I think Bryce likes it! Would probably like a longer run though! Next time!