Rogers Run Feb 6th || Swiss Peaks-Hermit Feb 7th || Cheops- STS Couloir Feb 8th || Glacier Crest Feb 9th || Avalanche Glacier Feb 10th || Pillows on Glacier Crest – Video-Feb 11th || Grizzly Feb 12th || Youngs Peak Traverse Feb 13th || Cheops South Feb 14th
The weather forcast had been iffy. The forcast for Saturday was for clearer skies so you have to go high! We decided to head up the Hermit Summer trail and gain Swiss and Rogers glacier and if possible Rogers Peak. A French guy – Marco – joins us today. He is here from France for a year to board! This is our second visit to Swiss-Rogers glacier, we were here before back in 2007. Some places are worth a revisit!
On the way up you can check out the pillow lines in Puff Daddy.
Lee wondering if he can land these!
Heading up Swiss Glacier with the pass in the background.
Lee, Marco and Tyler.
We get onto Swiss Glacier. The col on the left divides Rogers peak and the three knobs of Swiss peak, the peak on the right is Truda. We start making our way to the large col on the left.
Marco, Tyler and Sharon looking on.
Heading towards Rogers on the left, Swiss on the right.
Lee, Marco and Tyler
After not making it that far up the slope towards the col due to tough skinning and so so quality snow, we decided to head across the Swiss Peaks to see if the snow got better. It didn’t and we decided it wasn’t worth the trouble getting up any of these slopes since the vis was getting worse and the snow quality was only ok.
Lee, Tyler and Marco looking for good snow!
We start making our way down the Hermit Slide path back to the highway. From here its a mere 1000m run.
Marco and Lee scoping the line.



Marco on a little tree hit!
Tyler heads into the trees and finds a line.
Tyler – I’m SCARED!
Lee – Huck it you pussy!
Tyler – How big is it?
Lee – only 10-15 feet (says the guy with no depth perception.
Tyler – OK!

20 feet later… Nailed it !
Marco also finds a nice little hit.

Downward we go!
Sharon and Tyler.
1610m of climbing in 6:31