Sol Mt Lodge Fall 2024

Sol Mountain Lodge Dec 18-23 2024

We were fortunate to get a last minute deal at Sol Mountain Lodge! This trip we were also fortunate to be there with both Aaron and Sabine Cooperman!

Also on this trip were Kyle, who was running the AST2 Course with Pierce, Collin, Alex and Marie-Pier.

As we were guided by Garrett and Aaron. We skied mainly with Hilary and Robin from Kelowna, and Jim from Calgary. Also on this trip were Ben Howells, Christine and Stephanie who were doing a photo shoot for RAB, and some OG Sol Mountaneeers – Alf Skrastins, Wendy and Gordon Cartwright.

Our cooks were Sandor and Jordon

Flight In

At the Lodge!

Aaron and Sabine

Liam, Garrett, Arron and Sabine

Skinning up

Lee, Robin, Hilary

Garrett and Sharon

Aaron on Peters Glades!

Robin on Peter’s Glades


Sharon in Peter’s Glades


Guides in the AM

Guides at Dinner

Ben Christine and Stephanie

Calgarians and Kelownites


Gordon Serenade

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