Tis the season for the Alpine Fix. The snow is mostly gone, the sun was – supposed be – shining and the bugs were tolerable. We opted to check out an area just north of Squamish – Brohm Ridge. This area was slated for a ski resort back in the 70’s by Nancy Greene Raine and her husband Al Raine. The gondola supports were built, a chalet was built but that was as far as it got. Currently it is under tenure of the Black Tusk Snowmobile Club. Right now another proposal is in the works to develop Brohm Ridge and Cat Lake at the bottom of a road to include 2 golf courses, 25 ski lifts to support 15,000 skiers a day! These skiers – they say – WON’T be the ones that would go to Whistler! Anyway, considering the terrain and proximity to Garibaldi Provincial Park – Good Luck.
Given the clouds that were teasing us all day we decided to drive up the road as far as we could, ride as far as we could have views and if the conditions didn’t improve we would go back down and ride the single track around Cat Lake. Like all good plans, something can go wrong especially when you’re in Adrian’s Trooper that pooped out on a steep pitch. After waiting long enough to see if the truck would start we started riding up.

Here we are riding up! Lee, Adrian, Dave, Chris and Bryce
and pushing up!

Here is the Chalet that was built in the late 60’s. It iscurrently being maintained by the Black Tusk Snowmobile Club. It has seen better days, word is though there is beer inside… Elevation – 1500m
View of Brohm Ridge in the back. The front yard fire pit!
We climb to the top of the Ridge – 1750M – Tantalus range is in the back. Between Bryce and Chris’s head is Lake Lovelywater! Adrian – Bryce – Chris – Kris – Lee – Dave
The Norco frolicking in the heather with Garibaldi in the back!

Yup, Still some snow and the clouds started coming in.
with a vengence! So it was time to get down!

Lee gets caught by mud snake! BOOM!
You can see the clouds REALLY come in! And the track we went down that was made by the motorbikes that ride up here when the snow is gone.
Two of us drove the cars back down the road, the others road down Cat Lake and the ride finished as all rides should at the Shady Tree!