Jan 29-Feb 4 2022
Icefall Lodge is located North of Golden. The lodge sits at 1900m with 200 Sq Km of accessible terrain reaching elevations up to up to 3000m and down to 1500m and even lower if conditions allow. Our group consisted of 18 people including a cook – Stuart Whyte – orignalredheadcondiments- and a hut custodian Sion Edwards. We couldn’t have a hut trip with out these guys to feed us and make sure the water runs and the fire is hot.
The original hut was built around 2006 and is pretty small and rustic. The larger hut has a lot more space, with three floors. We were easily accommodated in this space. Both huts have pee toilets, which is really nice. Water is pumped to the hut each day. There is also a sauna, where you could also shower, and two outhouses, one with a great view!
We have skied here twice before. Once in 2011 and again in 2013.
We had eighteen people in our group ( Sharon, Lee, Georg, Saar, Darlene, Dana, Dermot, Irena, Justin, Dan, Jake, GQ, Dave, Lance, Aaron, Drew, Pearly, Geoff).
As one would expect from a hut in this area the terrain is huge. Tree-skiing is enormously varied with N, S and E facing runs surrounding the huts with between 300 – 500 m shots of lappable pillows on different aspects. We had pretty stormy weather during our week so most days were spent in the trees. We had one VERY cold day where we were able to get into the apline but conditions were better in the trees.
Other friends were up there before and they created a large map that you can download and print off HERE.
This section has day One, Two and Three. Flyin and quick run on Back Door, Home Run and the next day on Kitchen, Wrath and Glutony. Then Fuffer and Two Flags.
Fly – In
Lee and Larry
Where’s My BEER!!!!
Then we do a short tour up Home Run and Back Door.

Then a great dinner by our Chef Stuart!
Day Two we skinned up Kitchen, then decided it was better in the trees so went down valley and skied Wrath and Gluttony

Dermot on Gluttony
Wrath Gluttony Traverse
George on Gluttony
Group at the bottom of Gluttony
A gift of apres BEER!
Happy Skiers!
More Snow!
Day Three we skied POW on Fluffer and Two Flags. 30cm of new snow!

Then we head up Two Flags
