Jan 29-Feb 4 2022
This section is Day 4 and 5. Feb 1st and 2nd.
Feb 1st was my and Dave Phinney’s Birthdays and Stuart made us a cake! We also had lots of pow! We skied Two Flags and Bird Chute. Day 4 was clear and very cold. I had a short day, while the others braved the cold to do a similar tour to our fly in day. Up home run and back via Backdoor.

Skin up Two Flags
Two Flags
Jake on Two Flags
Lee on Two Flags
Lee on Lodge Run
Drew looking down valley from Two Flags
Lee on Seduction
Group skinning back up
Lee on Bird Chute
Bottom of Bird Chute
Birthday cakes by Stuart!
Dave’s girlfriend sent him a special cake!
Day 4 Clear and COLD!
Cold and Clear sunrise
Dana getting ready…
Sion clearing the roof
Justin on Kitchen Chute, the Sins down valley.