The winter trail for Mt. Brew was created in 2005 along with this new Hut by the UBC Varsity Outdoor Club. The previous Brew Huts fell victim to the massive snow pack this area accumulates. While our access was pretty easy since we could drive the 9.3km up to 1050m on the road, normally you have to start lower on the Chance Creek FSR.
This hut has a wood burning stove, a loft and an outhouse. PACK YOUR GARBAGE OUT! If you choose to go here! It also has a variety of good skiing terrain very close to the hut.
For Overview Map of more of the surrounding area click here.
For .gdb coordinates click here.
For a great route description from Clubtread click here.
The ski in and the areas we skied on Friday and Saturday.
The Rockin’ Volvo charged up the 8 or so inches of snow on the road! I felt like a rally car driver with the momentum I had to carry to make it up the hills. But no worries, the Volvo ROCKS! The Subaru Legacy also didn’t have an issue with the snow, but it doesn’t have heated seats!
Packing up and pointing the cars downhill in case is snows before we get back.
The skin up was well marked and of a very nice grade. This is one of the first rocky bowls.
Laurent Mignon, Lee Lau, John Baldwin
The meadow by Brew Lake. The snow here was pretty wind hammered as we were skinning up this section.
squeek squeek squeek go the tele bindings!
We make our way to the hut, Mt. Brew is the peak in the background.
John, Laurent! squeek
Pano of the hut with Mt. Brew on the far left and Black Tusk and Garibaldi in the distance.
We unload some gear and go for a rip! We find the East Facing slopes to be Filet’able! by Laurent Mignon!

Work it! Work it!
This was a nice steepish slope heading to a small little lake with Garibaldi in the background!

Skiing back up for another run. Ho Hum, more views of Black Tusk and Garibaldi.
Rippin’ up more pow! Take TWO!

Sharon, John, Laurent
Heading back to the hut as the sun is heading down.
Where’s the beer?
Brew Hut at sunset.
Happy skis!
The next morning came in with high clouds but still chilly temps. We searched out some more east facing slopes that weren’t wind affected, but still powdery in the cool temperatures.
Look mom! More pow! Sharon.
Laurent rippin’ down to the lake.
Lee finding some pow!
Take the picture!
The area we skied on Saturday, the trees were great!
Laurent, trail breaker extraordinaire!
Laurent decided to dig a pit to see what was happening on this slope should we decide to ski it. We didn’t since it was pretty wind hammered and consolidated and the treed runs looked way more powdery. Lee and John offering their assistance.
So John, is that Keg peak over there? No, its Peak 7600.
A fuzzy shot of the gully/tree slopes we skied. Must have been all that pow!
Laurent and Lee
Finishing with a final sunset shot cause its cool.
The ski out took about one hour and wasn’t that bad. Definitely a great destination if you don’t have to skin up the road!
The ski in
Part of our ski the first day