Burnie Glacier Chalet, Smithers BC
Day 1 Outer Solitaire || Day 2 Middle Solitaire || Day 3 Tom George ||
Day 4 Loft Glacier || Day 5 Pass Peak || Day 6 Telkwa Glacier
Our 7 day adventure at Burnie Glacier Lodge was guided by Tom Wolfe of Sawback Adventures. Our assistant guide was the ever elusive Sean Fraser of Hyland Backcountry Maybe its his cold feet…
We had friends join us from previous ski weeks – Glade, Georg, Andy, Lance from biking. We made new friends of the others who came on this adventure through Tom – Paul Lambie, Daniel Bourque, Paul Moen and Nick Chagnon. Adrienne was our awesome cook and a regular addition to the Burnie Glacier Chalet team.
Burnie Glacier Chalet is the result of the vision by Christoph Dietzfelbinger in the early 2000s to showcase this Glaciated terrain just south west of Smithers, BC. At this time he worked with the Province and local Wet’suwet’en First Nation, who continues to use this area for traditional purposes, to establish the Burnie Glacier Chalet. In 2008 this area became Burnie Shea Provincial Park, a protected part of the Wet’suwet’en First Nation territory. This area is only accessible by helicopter or plane in the summer. It sits at an elevation of 1000m.
We had one flight from the Smithers airport and the others from the staging near Telkwa.
The exchange starts from Smithers at 10:30am, we were all in the hut by 1:00pm. We then went through avalanche drills and were able to do a short ski before eating dinner at 7:00. This trip we were up by 6:30am or 7:00am depending on the objective and due to the warm temperatures we were back at the Chalet by 2:00pm. We still had plenty of time to ski some great spring snow. On our last day we were back in Smithers by 2:00pm.
Our first full day we skied to the toe of Pass Peak, Solitaire Peak and the Stinkhorn to ski off the Outer Solitaire Glacier.
1380m Climbing in 6hrs.

Day 1 Outer Solitaire || Day 2 Middle Solitaire || Day 3 Tom George ||
Day 4 Loft Glacier || Day 5 Pass Peak || Day 6 Telkwa Glacier
Pingback: Middle Solitaire Glacier – Day 2 – Burnie Glacier Chalet | Sharon and Lee - Just another day
Pingback: Tom George – Day 3 – Burnie Glacier Chalet | Sharon and Lee - Just another day
Pingback: Loft Glacier – Day 4 – Burnie Glacier Chalet | Sharon and Lee - Just another day
Pingback: Pass Peak – Day 5 – Burnie Glacier Chalet | Sharon and Lee - Just another day