Montana Trails are once again under threat of closure due to vast sections of alpine accessible trails being forbidden for mountainbiking. For more in-depth comment on this issue read this piece by Vernon Felton previously on Pinkbike about why mountainbiking is under threat of being banned on alpine, sub-alpine and forested Montana trails while other activities are allowed – see “Banned in the USA – part 3“.
Write a comment back to the US Forest Service supporting Alternative C to allow biking on Montana trails.

To keep it simple; here is the massive USFS forest plan. Comment via this form

My comment
“I am a visitor to the area from Canada. I enjoy Montana’s superb biking trails and outdoors. I support Alternative C to allow biking on Montana trails. I suggest amendment by dropping the Elkhorns area from the DEIS proposal which would allow biking in the Elkhorns area not only by Helena Montana locals but also by in-state and out-of-state visitors”