Selkirk Lodge
April 16th – 23rd 2022.
We were previously at Selkirk lodge in March 2013 so it seemed time to go back! An opportunity came up to join a group in April so we went!
We booked through Tom Wolfe of Sawback Alpine Adventures. Selkirk Lodge staging is East of Revelstoke so we stayed at the Revelstoke Coast Hillcrest Hotel. They packed a hearty breakfast for us for our early departure to get to staging. The lodge is well equiped with rooms enough for guests to be 2-3 per room. The rooms are set up for couple or singles. The water is made by melting snow, a very good routine was organized by Steve the seasoned custodian!
Our group consisted of
Custodians and cook – Steve, Adele and Corinne. The MOST important part of any backcountry trip.
Guides – Konrad Schieber of Upside Guiding, Roger Yim and Will Mackaness from Squamish of One Life Adventures.
Guests – Mark, Carrie, Corey from Boise, David from Trucky, Andy from Santa Rosa, Rashid from Toronto, Mo from Iran, Michael from Ottawa, Justin and Irena from Washington, Eric from Salt Lake City and Robby from Boseman.
A diverse group of Tom’s clients that all got along and skied well together!
Day One we skied our warm up runs together on Campion Bowl and Devine Col.
Day Two Vis was great so we skied together up Justice Mt and did a run on Solitude, Sanctuary and Cowboy Glaciers.
Custodian Adele, Steve and Corinne, the cook
Roger, Konrad and Will
The Group!
Coast Hillcrest Breakfast
At Staging – Will has my beer! Tip for you!
Sunny Flyin Day
Day 1 heading on up
Transition at the top of Campion
Campion Bowl

Steep section of Devine Col
Sketchy return to Lodge
Apres and Dinner
Overview of Day 1
Next day was up Justice Mt to take advantage of the good visibility. We skied Solitude, Sanctuary and Cowboy.
Skinning up Glacier
Roger leading the way
Will mid group
Xmas card shot?
Skiing by the Glacier
Looking at our tracks
The run down Justice
Roger, Will and Konrad
Apres and Dinner
Day 2 Overview