Best of pictures from Sentry 2020
Sentry Lodge
Jan 25 to Feb 1 2020
The Golden Alpine Holiday (GAH) lodges are a blind spot in our career of skiing every possible cool backcountry lodge in BC.
When an opporutunity came to go to Sentry Lodge, one of the four Lodges owned by GAH with a Guide we jumped on it. Neil Warren Ski Guiding had this week. He was joined by Chris Lawrence who shared trail breaking duties.
Sentry hut is DE-luxe. It is three stories. The lower floor is where we kept the skis outside, consisted of a large work space that was cold for beer storage, a room with a fireplace to dry gear and a bedroom. The second floor consisted of the main socializing area with another fireplace and stretching area, kitchen, guide rooms for three+ people, the gear room where we kept our day packs, one washroom with pea toilets. Upstairs had 7 bedrooms and another pea toilet. There were two pit toilets outside for other business. Outside was also a sauna with hot shower. The lodge also has limited wifi and a tv.
Our group consisted of Lee, Sharon, Graham Q, Jessie P, Gareth E, Greg P, Dan and Jake S. Some of Neils other clients Dicky, Dan, Dave and Keith also joined. Our Custodian was Cody and we were fed by the now retired Teresa.
Each day we divided ourselves into the go all day with Neil group, or back for apres Chris group. We did have opportunities throughout the day to mix groups if people wanted a longer or shorter day as we tended to tour in the same area.
Saturday we met at GAH offices at 6:30 to sign waivers, get food and meet at the GAH staging which is 50km West of Golden. We flew in in three trips and were skiing by 2:00. Bit late due to a medical emergency. Our flyout day was delayed due to weather. Fortunately our experienced cook had enough food for one more night!
Day 1 Fly in – Ramparts – Pale Yellow Tracks, 3.7km, 300m Climbing
Day 2 Mid Ship to Gallows
– Cyan Tracks – 15.24km, 1450m Climbing
Day 3 Siege to Rasta Pass – Ligher purple Tracks – 16km, 1735m Climbing
Day 4 Tree Beard, Archers Trees – Green Tracks – 12km, 1210m Climbing
Day 5 Hydro Hill, Lady of the Lakes, Quiver – Orange Tracks – 14.5km, 1425m Climbing
Day 6 Sentry Peak to Gallows – Darker Purple – 12.2km, 1000m Climbing
Day 7 Elevator Laps and Gauntlet – Red Tracks – 16km, 1720m Climbing

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