Important links:
The following pictures are all taken on the morning of January 4, 2007. We had to wait a while as the other group dove-tailing us was slightly delayed so some gorgeous shots were taken on this bluebird day of our departure. This meant that Ron and I had a chance to cut off the cornice at the end of the outbuilding which had built up into quite a large chunk of dangerous snow.

Playing with cornices
Full Frontal Glades at night ~ Photo Pat Mulrooney
Looking north along the McGillivray Creek valley ~ Photo Pat Mulrooney

Mt Doom? No, just Mt McGillivray ~ Photo Pat Mulrooney
60 foot cornices on Standard Ridge ~ Photo Pat Mulrooney
Our host, Ron Andrews ~ Photo Pat Mulrooney

Approach of the black helicopters ~ Photo Pat Mulrooney

We’ll be back