
Cambodia and Vietnam

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Angkor Wat is considered by many to the Asia'a premier archaeological site.  Up until the 90s, you could not freely visit it due to Cambodia's long running civil war which only ended recently. Cambodia (12/2005).

Kids all over the world always like to smile for the camera.  Angkor Wat, Cambodia (12/2005).

Sunset over Angkor Wat, Cambodia (12/2005).


What I found quite remarkable about the Khmer Rouge genocide of the 70s was the fact that Pol Pot, the mad bastard responsible for it, was not prosecuted even after the truth was uncovered.  He lived on as a free person and died at a ripe old age in 1998.

Outskirts of Phnom Penh (12/2005).

For $1 a bullet, anyone can try out their weapon of choice at the local shooting range.  Testing out an M-16 at the Cu Chi tunnels, Vietnam (12/2005).

Street kids in poor countries have no toys, video games, TV or soccer practice to attend but always find ways to entertain themselves.  Phnom Penh (12/2005).

Cao Dai is a weird religion (aren't they all !) practiced in Vietnam.  Daily noon hour prayer session at the Cao Dai main temple near Saigon, Vietnam (12/2005).

Whenever I visit SE Asia, the first thing I usually do is seek out durians. Saigon, Vietnam (12/2005).

The North Vietnamese "enemies" tunneled under American bases during the war.  Typical entrance to one of the Cu Chi tunnels, Vietnam (12/2005).

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